Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sarah- My own angel!

I need to write about my dear friend Sarah before I go much further. Meeting Sarah was a very tender mercy that the Lord gave to me. I am the type of person that gets to the airport early and goes straight through security. I have never varied from this routine. When I got to the airport in Miami, however, I felt like I just wanted to walk around for a little bit before going through security. I walked up and down the main hall and then got a feeling that it was time to go to security. I got in line and was soon joined by other people. I looked at the girl next to me and smiled. She was also dressed in scrubs and a t-shirt. She spoke up and asked "Are you going to Haiti?" I told her I was. She then asked where in Haiti I was going. When I told her I was going to the Love-a-Child disaster recovery center she was ecstatic and replied that she was too. We became instant friends.
We both spoke of this meeting many times throughout our trip and both know that the Lord brought us together. Sarah had been praying for two weeks to meet someone to use the "buddy system" with and I had done the same. The trip would have been utterly difficult had it not been for me meeting this wonderful woman. We had many experiences together and I know that we are friends for life. I love you Sarah! I am also eternally grateful to Heavenly Father for knowing me well enough to bring such a blessing in to my life. Meeting Sarah again confirmed my knowledge that God lives and that He is intimately involved in the details of my life. I love how God uses others to show His love for us.
This is Sarah and me about 8 hours after we met. We just set up her wonderful tent using rocks for hammers. I still miss nights in that tent. Strange, but oh so true.

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